Sunday, 20 January 2013

Katie in Richmond Park today

Living next to Richmond Park is a joy every day of the year for all the family but when it snows the pleasure the park gives is wonderful. The excitement started when the kids schools closed on Friday and they all got home early.

I had to cancel my trip to Cambridge University where I was going to speak to the MBA students, which hopefully we can reschedule, and took Sam, Katie and their friends off to catch the first of the tobogganing.

A snowy allotment
Sam had surgery the day before to remove the offending fang and less than 24 hours later he was hurling himself down the slopes deliberately engineering face plants by way of entertainment. Thankfully the stitches held!

On Saturday my sister and I did a brisk walk covering a few miles around the park, admiring the deer and marvelling at the peace and quiet.

Today Katie, Hubbie  and I walked all the way around the park, around 6 miles stopping off at the allotment on the way home to shake the snow off my netting which is doing a vital job  keeping the pigeons off my brassicas. I love this weather, it brings out the best in all of us.

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